

The MedAgriFoodResilience project is organized into five work packages (WPs 1–5), each focusing on a specific aspect of the project structure.

WP1: Project Coordination and Management


The overall objective of WP1 is to ensure coordination and management of the project covering technical, administrative, financial, and quality related issues and the relation with the financing authority.

Task 1.1 Project monitoring and evaluation


Coordinator: DAGRI


Monitoring of the project through progress reports on a six-month basis. In addition, three coordination meetings are planned: on-line Kick-off meeting (month 1), Mid-term meeting (month 18), Final meeting (month 36).

WP2: Biophysical assessment


The main aim of WP2 is to understand the resilience factors of local biophysical components and to identify the vulnerability aspects of local agro-ecosystems and food value chain, and the

possible environmental shocks that could impact the three traditional system.

Task 2.1 Assessment of landscape structure


Coordinator: DAGRI


Landscape and land use structure and transformation analysis through the use of GIS software and field surveys.

Task 2.2 Biophysical and crop system assessment


Coordinator: UIZ


Assessment of Climate and agricultural yield, Soil and soil fertility, water quality and quantity.

Task 2.3 Agrobiodiversity assessment


Coordinator: UIZ


Assessment of the cultivated species and varieties at local level.


WP3: Socioeconomic assessment


The main aim of WP3 is to understand the resilience factors of socio-economic local conditions in the three GIAHS sites and to identify the trade-offs between socio-economic aspects, local ecosystems, and the food value chain under changing environments.

Task 3.1 Local socioeconomic conditions


Coordinator: DAGRI


Assessment of local socio-economic conditions through the use of anonymous questionnaires for farmers and residents.


Task 3.2 Socioeconomic resilience and shocks


Coordinator: UM6P


Focus groups, surveys, and desktop analysis to investigate the resilience (or vulnerability) of the three agri-food systems in relation to: migration, urbanization, ecotourism, gender aspects, Covid pandemic.


WP4: Solutions for resilience and adaptation


The aim of the WP4 is to identify and select solutions and approaches for integrated strategies aiming at preserving local ecosystems and building resilient agri-food value chains.

Task 4.1 Identification of best practices


Coordinator: UM6P


Identification of best practices and innovative solutions to preserve local agro-ecosystems, with their landscapes, water and soil resources, agrobiodiversity and traditional knowledge.


Task 4.2 Development of decision support system


Coordinator: UNI-Biskra


Support local stakeholders in decision-making activities to properly safeguard local agri-food and agroforestry heritage systems.


WP5: Communication and dissemination


The main aim of the WP5 is to transfer the acquired knowledge to the local stakeholders and to the population to improve their wellbeing and the resilience towards socio-environmental shocks. The acquired knowledge and the identified solutions could be replicated in other similar traditional agricultural and agroforestry systems, also offering solutions and strategies to the FAO GIAHS Secretariat to be disseminated and tested in other GIAHS sites.

Task 5.1 Website and social networks


Coordinator: DAGRI


Use of a project website and of social networks to disseminate project outputs and updates.


Task 5.2 Local seminars


Coordinator: DAGRI


Local seminars to inform local farmers and stakeholders about the main vulnerabilities of the systems, innovative solutions and best practices to empower the resilience of local agricultural and agroforestry systems. A specific capacity building activity is planned in the Moroccan study area.


Task 5.3 Participation to Terra Madre


Coordinator: DAGRI


Terra Madre is a fair and a network of food communities launched by Slow Food with the intent to link together small-scale farmers, whose approach to food production is connected to the protection of the environment and of the cultural values.


Task 5.4 Scientific publications and conferences


Coordinator: DAGRI


Scientific publications and participation in conferences will contribute to disseminate the project findings among the scientific community.


Task 5.5 MedGIAHS Network


Coordinator: DAGRI


This Task aims at establishing a cross-border network dedicated to Mediterranean GIAHS sites for exchanging experiences, researches and best practices, and to develop further common
